
VMWare is a software that allows Windows 11 to be virtually installed on your Mac computer. This will enable Mac users to utilize Windows-specific software you may need for your business courses; however, not all software is compatible with this configuration. Please review our computer requirements and supported applications before requesting an appointment with us.

Parallels or VMWare? What's the difference?

Parallels and VMWare both enable Windows 11 support on Mac computers. However, VMWare is available for free through the University and is supported by MSBTC. We do not recommend paying for Parallels. Additionally, our support for Parallels is limited as it is not a university-supported application. 

Computer Requirements

If your Mac does not meet these requirements, accessing Windows 11 through a browser is the alternative. Instructions are available here.


We provide a free, licensed copy of Windows 11 and Microsoft Office for Windows. It is not necessary for Mac users to purchase this software.

Pre-installed* applications on Windows 11 VMWare image include: 

*Note: Users will have administrative rights to install additional programs on Windows 11.

Applications not supported: 

Scheduling Installation Appointment

Freeing up storage before a VMWare installation

In order to get your VMWare installed, you need a minimum of 85 GB of free storage. One of the ways to discover which apps and programs on your laptop are taking up the most space is through Grand Perspective. Watch this video to learn how to download it to prepare your laptop for your VMWare appointment!