
The MSBTC offers free VMWare installation which is only comptaible with INTEL-BASED Macs

24 hours before your appointment, you MUST request a license. 

To schedule a VMWare appointment, click here.

If you choose to purchase a Mac computer, the MSBTC will assist you in installing Windows 11 as a secondary operating system. The Tech Center offers one way to install Windows on your Mac. To install, you must have:

MSBTC will provide MSB students with a free copy of Windows 11 and Microsoft Office for Windows. It is not necessary for Mac users to purchase this software.

In order to have VMWare installed on your computer, you HAVE to book an appointment

To install VMWare, a license is required. 24 hours before your VMWare Appointment, use this link to request your license from Georgetown. You MUST do this step before your appointment.

Be prepared to spend at least 1 hour in the Tech Center with your computer if you choose to install Windows on a Mac computer. You must be with your computer at all times. If you have any questions, drop by the Tech Center in Hariri, and we can explain this further.

Freeing up storage before a VMWare installation

In order to get your VMWare installed, you need a minimum of 85 GB of free storage. One of the ways to discover which apps and programs on your laptop are taking up the most space is through Grand Perspective. Watch this video to learn how to download it to prepare your laptop for your VMWare appointment!